
Email services like protonmail
Email services like protonmail

A safe jurisdiction that respects privacy In the mini-reviews that follow, we’ll let you know what it takes to get copies of your messages and contacts out of Gmail and into the Gmail alternative. The ability to import messages and contacts from GmailĪssuming you are a Gmail user looking to switch, you probably have messages and contacts that you’ll need.

  • The non-email features you need such as a calendar, notes, and tasks.
  • End-to-end (E2E) encryption for truly private messages.
  • email services like protonmail

  • A safe jurisdiction that respects privacy.
  • The ability to import messages and contacts from Gmail.
  • email services like protonmail

    Here are the main things we were looking for. So we looked for several characteristics that would give most of the benefits of Gmail, but add better privacy. There isn’t an email service that serves as an exact replacement for Gmail. Things to look for in a Gmail alternative If privacy is important to you, you should definitely be looking for an alternative to Gmail. Google’s entire business model revolves around collecting as much private information on users as possible in order to benefit advertisers and other third parties. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to see how much personal data Gmail collects. In this recent Forbes article about Google’s new Gmail privacy disclosure, Andy Yen CEO of ProtonMail, stated that, Google has long had a reputation for sucking up a lot of personal data about its users. However, if you are concerned with protecting your online privacy, using Gmail could be a problem.

    email services like protonmail

    It has millions of users who daily take advantage of its features and popularity. Gmail is an incredibly popular email service.

    Email services like protonmail