
Free download omega supreme war for cybertron
Free download omega supreme war for cybertron

Omega Supreme attacked Megatron wherever he went, destroying a cargo lift the Decepticon rode, smashing his way through a tunnel and laying landmines upon a bridge that was the only route to safety. At first, the Decepticons seemingly defeated Omega Supreme when they destroyed the supports for a section of bridge Omega was standing upon, but the Autobot used his main gun to disintegrate the bridge and forcing Megatron's squad to flee.

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Omega followed the homing signal of the false key and destroyed the fleet of Decepticon ships Megatron was using to search for him, also destroying their rescue ship and killing the survivors. Omega lay inactive during the war until Megatron's forces invaded Iacon seeking what they thought was the Omega Key, forcing Zeta Prime to activate the false Omega Key and awaken him to destroy Megatron.

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Omega Supreme was the guardian of the Omega Gate, which gave access to the Core of Cybertron. Serving as the guardian of Cybertron, Omega was called upon to prevent Megatron corrupting the core of the planet with Dark Energon. ' Omega Supreme is the final boss of the Transformers video game War For Cybertrons Decepticon campaign.

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