
Free download Data File Converter 5.3.4
Free download Data File Converter 5.3.4

free download Data File Converter 5.3.4

CSV: Comma-Separated Values: Common text-based file format for storing tabular data used for import into spreadsheets.LTRC: Text-based trace file format from PEAK-System for recording LIN data created by PLIN-View Pro.BTR: Binary trace file format from PEAK-System for recording CAN data created by PCAN-Router Pro, PCAN-Diag 2, and PCAN-MiniDisplay can contain multiple trace sessions.ASC: ASCII log: Text-based log file format created by CANalyzer.TRC: Text-based trace file format from PEAK-System for recording CAN data created by PCAN-View, PCAN-Trace, and PCAN-Explorer.Batch conversion of multiple trace files in one pass via drag-and-drop or command line.Start possible in the command line with parameters, suitable for scripting.Step-by-step user guidance with integrated help.

free download Data File Converter 5.3.4

Conversion of trace files to different trace formats and to CSV (see table below).

Free download Data File Converter 5.3.4