On your Meetings menu, click the Personal Room tab.If you'd prefer to have a PMI - as many people do - you can change settings as follows: Specifically, if you do not want a PMI, go to Settings, then the default Meeting tab, and scroll down to find the Enable Personal Meeting ID which again is enabled by default:Ĭhange that switch from Enabled (blue) to Disabled (grey), and your PMI will no longer be in effect. Check the box to make sure it is used for all instant meetings.Hi, you referring to the "Personal Meeting ID" also referred to as a PMI? Every Zoom user is initially given a PMI when the Zoom account is set up, and there are settings you can make to secure it from anyone else joining it without your permission.If you paid for an upgraded subscription, you will be able to change it to a preferred combination. Click on the blue “Edit” option to the right of this section.Look for the “Personal Meeting ID” directly below your name and profile photo. The first tab open will be your profile settings.Click on “My Account” in the upper right corner to go to your account details. Open the Zoom website in the browser of your choice on your Mac or PC.How to change your personal meeting ID in Zoom You may want to change it to something you will remember, especially if you host a lot of one-on-one meetings as a corporate leader or teacher.

Changing your own meeting ID, which is what you offer attendees when you start meetings, can be beneficial. Changes can only be made if you are a paying member, and even then, they cannot be made in any of the apps they can only be done online. To adjust, go to the Zoom website and go to your account settings. Zoom will issue you a personal meeting ID by default, but you may want to change it to a more recognizable digit combination. Check How to Change Zoom’s Personal Meeting ID